Sunday, October 14, 2012

An ode to Galway.

Well it's official. I am a terrible blog-keeper. I think it's been about 2-3 weeks since I last updated.. but take it as a good sign that I've been too busy out living and not sitting around at my computer! Nothing too crazy has been happening just the usual things: going out, making friends, climbing mountains, exploring town, finding ancient castles, chasing sheep, drinking coffee in little cafes. You know- the usual. I think it took about a month but I feel at home in Galway (it took me about a year to have the same feeling in Kirksville). I love all the colorful shops and cafes and pubs. I love the little streams and rivers that run through town. I love how the city and the people who live in it are warm and welcoming (people are just really kind and decent here- it's genuinely heartwarming). I even really like the weather, which I was surprised about. But don't worry I don't have my rosy-colored glasses on. There are some things I definitely dislike- such as the school system (but let's not get into that quite yet). 

I am trying to work on my history midterm essay right now (so obviously I'm updating the blog) because for the next two weekends I'll be abroad!! Next Wednesday I am leaving for Scotland and next-next Thursday I'm leaving for Paris! I am so excited to see Shayna in Scotland (and to see Glasgow & Edinburgh) and then  PARIS!!! I had several goals for this whole studying-abroad experience. One of them was to feel/make a home of Galway. I have been so so so blessed and lucky with all of the traveling I've been able to in my short twenty years. I've seen so much and I want to continue to travel my whole life. But, I may only get this one opportunity to really integrate and thoroughly live in another culture. There will be time in life to be a tourist, but this may be my one chance at being a local (and I'm proud to announce I've been stopped 4 times here from tourists mistaking me for a local and asking directions!). So this was a big deal for me- to be able to make a home in another culture and to interact/understand/and immerse myself in life here and I feel like I've accomplished it! One of my other goals was to see PARIS! My time here (as of tomorrow) will be half way over. This is crazy! I feel like time is blowing by so quickly. I spent the first half of my time here joining clubs, making friends, going out, exploring Galway and surrounding counties, talking to Irish people, and really living in Ireland. But now that the second half of my time here is approaching it's time to start moving. I have a couple of trips planned around Ireland in November and another possible abroad-trip planned. It's going to get a bit chaotic but it will be worth it. :)

I'm going to get back to trying to write my midterm, but when I need a break I'll come back and post some photos from the past couple of weeks.

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