I decided to create a blog so I can remember everything I experienced while abroad. I am absolutely terrible at keeping journals, so I'm not sure how well this blog will fare. But I'm going to try!
Tomorrow I leave for Galway, Ireland. (To be more exact I leave for Chicago, get stuck in London for 8 hours, and then arrive in Shannon). I said goodbye to all my friends this week and tried to get all the sad-goodbyes out of the way. I just finished packing (for the most part) and I am feeling restless. I think I'll miss home and Truman a lot because I am home-body, but I am genuinely excited for everything that's going to happen. I love my parents and my friends very much- but they'll be here when I get back. I am quite excited and quite sleep deprived.
I think time is going to pass so quickly this semester. In a way I prefer staying for a semester and not for a year. Because I'm staying in this exciting city for only 4 months I won't have any time to become complacent. I'll have to keep moving and exploring and adventuring- because time is short.
I feel slightly overwhelmed because I can't plan for everything. You have to just pack the best you can and bring the things you may need the best you can. Everything else is in the dark. It is a completely foreign experience and therefore there is no prescience for it. But I think that's part of the experience. I'll just have to learn to be flexible and all that jazz. :)
I'm contemplating making some boxed craft macaroni and cheese, because I read that the Irish don't have it (?!). I'm trying to get my fill of American things. I wonder if they have American-Chinese food over there..? I have a feeling they don't. I should probably eat a whole semesters worth of crap rangoon tomorrow. That seems like a good idea, right?
Anyways. Here are some photos from my iPhone that were taken this summer that remind me of home.
Bon Voyage!
P.S. I read that in Ireland you can request your McDonald's fries straight or curly. Fingers crossed!